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Databases on CD

1.  CAB Abstracts from the year 1910 – present

2.  Tree CD from the year 1939 - 2004

3.  Beast CD from the year 1973 - 2004

4.  LISA CD 1969 – 2005

5.  Biotechnology Abstracts 1982 – 2002

6.  EconLit 1969 - 2005

7.  Food and Human Nutrition Database 1975 – 2005


Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) provides access to around 4000 journals of reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Annual Review Inc., Taylor and Francis, Wiley etc.,for 168 institutes’ libraries. CeRA also provides 1174 e-books,17 e-book series published by the Elsevier and IndiaAgristat: socio-economic agricultural statistical data about India and its states.Apart from that, users can request for articles to any of the member libraries in the consortium through Document Delivery Service. KAU is a member in this consortium.CeRA provides three tier article searching facility through the j-gate platform Consortia level, Institutional level and personal level. CeRA can access through this link https://jgatenext.com/

KAU bagged the best usage and best resource sharing award in 2018, Best resource sharing award in 2019 and Best resource sharing and Document Delivery Request fulfilment Award in 2022 in JGate@CeRA.


ScienceDirect is a full-text database offering journal articles and book chapters published by Elsevier. Through this platform, users can access the full text of 824 journals published by Elsevier in the subject collections Agricultural and Biological Science; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance etc. Full text of 1174 e-books, 17 e-book series and three encyclo- pediasentitled “Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences”, “Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology” and “Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences” published by Elsevier can access through this link. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

Indian Journals.com

KAU subscribed online version of the Agriculture Science Collection of indianjournals.com. The users can access full text of 113 Indian journals from the year 2005 onwards in the agriculture science field published in India through this link. https://indianjournals.com/


Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)

EPW is a weekly reviewed academic journal covering all social sciences and is among the most prestigious scholarly journals in India. It is an important source of study material for the current affairs segment to the students who prepare for civil service, UPSC and other competitive exams. The users can access current issues and archives of EPW from Volume 1 onwards through this link. https://www.epw.in/


IndiaAgristat is a gateway to comprehensive and authentic socio-economic agricultural statistical data about India and its states. Users can easily access the data covering all major parameters for research, study, review and reference.  IndiaAgristat.com is owned by Datanet India.  


CABI Full text &CAB Abstracts Archive

            Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience (CAB) International is an inter-governmental development and information organisation based in the United Kingdom. CABI, previously the “Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux”, was established in 1910 as the Entomological Research Committee.  It focuses primarily on agricultural and environmental issues in the developing world. CAB Abstracts helps researchers to review all scientific works, learn from past techniques and assess long-term trends and changes. CAB Abstracts provide researchers instant access to over 10 million records from 1910 onwards, with over 3,50,000 abstracts added each year. Researchers get the fullest global picture for any topic related to agriculture from over 120 countries in 50 languages from more than 8000 serials, books and conference proceedings which ensure unparalleled coverage. CABI’s full text repository of over 4,00,000 documents is integrated with CABabstracts which includes journal article, conference papers, and other grey literature from 81 countries.



Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database which covers about 35000 peer reviewed journals in subject fields like life science, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences covering the period from 1788 to present.This database helps research scholars to know the latest publications in their research area and the most cited publications in that discipline.


CABI e-books

          Teachers and students of all colleges under KAU can access 531 e-Books published by CABI  from the year 2000 to 2010. 


ScienceDirect e-books

          Full text of 1174 e-books, 17 e-book series and three encyclopedias entitled  “Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences”, “Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology” and  “Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences” published by Elsevier canaccess through  sciencedirect.com


Indian e-books

85 Indian ebooks published during the years 2015- 2017 by Astral International (P) Ltd, Daya Publishing House, New India Publishing House, and Regency Publications   can access through the following link (http://www.astralebooks.com )and Art &Science Academic Publications (ASAP) provides 45 ebooks  published by various Indian publishers in various topics of agriculture discipline during the year 2015 to 2017 can access through the following link :


Institutional Repositories (Krishikosh & KAUTIR)

Institutional Repositories consist of the intellectual output generated by faculty, staff and students of an institution which is formally organized and managed collections for future reference.It facilitates to archive the research output and also improves the visibility, usage and impact of research conducted at an institution.


Krishikosh is a digital repository of accumulated knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences, having collection of old and valuable books, old journals, theses, research articles, popular articles, monographs, catalogues, conference proceedings, success stories, case studies, annual reports, newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, bulletins and other grey literatures spread all over the country in different ICAR research Institutions and State Agricultural Universities. Decentralised management of content and centralised management of hosting and maintenance of site and server by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute. More than 185000 theses are accessible through this repository.



On the occasion of golden jubilee of KAU, Central Library bestowed to the academic community,Kerala Agricultural University Theses Information and Retrieval (KAUTIR), the Institutional Repository of KAU through which everybody can access the full text of the theses submitted by PG and Ph.D Scholars of KAU in the last 50 years from anywhere.

Writing Assistant Tools (Grammarly & Turnitin)

Grammarly is an AI powered writing assistant, which checks writings in real time and provides a wide range of editing tools. In addition to looking for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, proposes style suggestions also. It helps the students to write their works clearer and more effective. 

Turnitin is an internet based plagiarism detection service. The theses, articles and research reports and proposals submitted by the scientists, research scholars of KAU can upload their writings to detect unintentional plagiarized content and replace it with more original content. This service is available in all College Libraries. This Service is also extended to all Head of the departments ontheir request.

MyLOFT (My Library On Finger Tips)

MyLoFT is a remote access application, which offers easy access to multiple e-resources subscribed by Kerala Agricultural University. Its’ mobile app and web app help the user to access e-resources anywhere, anytime on any devices and the off-campus access facilitatetheoptimal use of e-resources.

Document Delivery Service

Union Catalogues

Kerala Agricultural University is a member of the regional and national level networks like KALNET, IDEAL and DELNET. A union catalogue is a combined library catalogue that contains the collections of a number of libraries. All networks have a union catalogue of their Member Libraries.


            DELNET (Developing Library Network) is a consortia of libraries which provides access to more than 20 million bibliographic records of books, journals, articles, CDs etc.  The Inter Library Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services (DDS) are one of the most popular services of DELNET.  I thas more than 4700 libraries as its members in India and eight other countries.  KAU is an Institutional Member of DELNET. The librariey users can get books and copies of articles through Inter Library Loan at a nominal rate.


Indian Digital Ensemble of Agricultural Libraries (IDEAL) is a platform for sharing library holdings through Union Catalogue (AgriCat) of 38 Agricultural Libraries of Indian National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES). An integrated digital library delivered at the desk of researchers, faculty and students of NARES can definitely boost the quality of research output and save time. Libraries can reduce the cost incurred in procuring books and otherlibrary resources by sharing through this digital system.
